of the Hebrew Patriarchs’ Prophecies Concerning the


That Survived the Roman Destruction of the Temple

Jacob Moses David Isaiah Jeremiah Daniel

Our study has presented the predictions of the most important fathers of the Hebrew faith concerning the Messiah. These men are responsible for the beliefs and framework of Judaism. God revealed Himself and His laws to these men and made an everlasting covenant with them and their descendants. The holy writings of these men were all found along with the secular Dead Sea Scroll documents in the caves at Qumran that we have examined.


So let’s sum up what the patriarchs told the children of Israel about the coming Messiah - Anointed One - Shiloh.






What the Prophets Said About the


In Other Words: The Messiah would be like Moses, and God would validate him with miracles.


Jacob said that one of his son Judah’s descendants would have an eternal throne.



Moses said God would send the children of Israel a prophet like himself who would be proven to be the real Messiah by miracles and signs and wonders. We examined the unique details of Moses’ personal history and found seven surprising parallels between his history and that of Judah’s descendants.



David’s writings acknowledge his belief that the Messiah would be one of his descendants. He also said this Messiah would become a priest forever, like Melchizedek. In David’s Psalms 16, 22, and 69, he describes a very specific and frightening vision of Jesus' crucifixion eleven hundred years before it occurred.



Isaiah writes that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David and that he would suffer and die as a sin offering for other people’s sins -- not his own. Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would be rejected by his own people and become the hope of the Gentiles. Like King David, Isaiah described a very exact description of Yeshua’s torture and execution at the hands of the Romans.



Jeremiah predicted that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David, and that he would bring forgiveness of people’s sins. Jeremiah stated that the Messiah would establish a new covenant between God and the people to renew the first one that Israel had broken.



The book of Daniel tells us how the prophet was visited by the angel Gabriel and told when the arrival of the Messiah would take place. Gabriel told Daniel that 173,880 days after the order to rebuild Jerusalem is given, the Anointed One would be killed before his work was finished. We believe the order to rebuild the Holy City was issued in 445 BC by King Artaxerxes to Nehemiah. From what we know about the number of days in the Jewish calendar during Daniel’s lifetime, Gabriel told Daniel the Messiah would be killed in or around 24-37 AD.

In Other Words: The Messiah would be a member of Judah’s Family. In Other Words: The Messiah would be a descendant of David from the tribe of Judah. The Messiah would suffer crucifixion. He would become a priest forever, like Melchizedek. In Other Words: The Messiah would be a descendant of King David. The Messiah would suffer torture and crucifixion. He would become a human Passover lamb for forgiveness of sins. He would be rejected by his own people, but be the hope of the Gentiles. In Other Words: The Messiah would be a descendant of King David. The Messiah would bring forgiveness of sins. He would establish a new covenant between God and his people to renew the one they broke. In Other Words: The Messiah would be killed before his work was completed. This was to take place between 24-37 AD.

So if we combined and condensed all these prophecies of the Hebrew patriarchs together in one single sentence, it would say:


The coming Messiah will have personal traits like Moses, be a descendant of King David, do mighty miracles as proof of his Lordship, be rejected by his own people, suffer torture and crucifixion for the sins of others between 24 and 37 AD, and become the hope of the Gentile world.


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16
